Camp Groups
Intro Camp Weekend - $225.00
Intro Camp weekend is for our 1st -3rd grade campers. It is a shortened version of our week-long summer camp for older campers. Intro campers will enjoy canoeing, archery, rock wall climbing, GaGa Ball, hiking and more. We will also have a time of worship, and Bible study that ties into our summer camp theme, "Different,” based off of Romans 12:1-2. Campers will stay in our campground area. We have a large bunkhouse for the girls, and small bunk cabins for the boys. Parents are welcome to attend this weekend adventure with their children for an additional camp fee. Download our brochure for more details.
Dates: May 30 - June 1
Camp Agape Explorers - $600.00
Explorer Camp is a week of exciting adventures for 3rd - 5th graders Explorer boys stay in cabins at the campground which have electricity, air conditioning, and bunk beds.
Explorer girls stay at the campground in an air-conditioned Bunk House (Murf B). The campground has a central shower house, a picnic table pavilion, and a fire circle.
Dates: June 1 - 7
Camp Agape Pathfinders - $625.00
Pathfinder camp is our camp for 6th-8th graders. Some of the highlights of the week are the Glow Night Block Party, which includes music, games, and snacks, and the Ultimate Game Night.
The Pathfinders stay in the air-conditioned Glencoe Cottages. Each cottage sleeps eight campers and has a full bathroom.
Dates: June 1 - 7
Camp Agape Adventurers - $650.00
Adventure Camp is our camp for 9-12th graders. These campers enjoy all the same recreation activities as the Pathfinder campers, but they also participate in an off-site adventure trip and a special activity on the final night.
Adventure campers will stay in the air-conditioned Lodge. Each room has its own bathroom and sleeps 3-4 campers.
Dates: June 1 - 7
Camp Agape Senior Interns - $325.00
Youth who are entering 12th grade or who have recently completed high school and are interested in becoming camp counselors are eligible for this hybrid camp experience.
Senior Interns (SIs) will be assigned a group of campers and counselors to work with as usual, but this year, they will sleep in the Lodge with the Adventure campers. SIs will join their assigned campers at breakfast and become Adventure campers after dinner. They will also participate in some of the significant daytime activities with Adventure campers.
SIs will enjoy the usual favorites that Camp Agape has to offer while also exploring the transition into leadership roles. SIs will not go on the Adventure Camp’s offsite trip.
Dates: June 1 - 7
Camp Agape Volunteers - Sponsor a Volunteer $400.00
Our camp is completely staffed by volunteers. Many of our volunteers have been helping with Camp Agape for years. All volunteers complete a background check and receive counselor training before camp. We have two different opportunities for volunteers. A Counselor Assistant (Someone who has completed 12th grade and has already been a Senior Intern.), or a Counserlor (Someone who is 19 years old or older.)
If you would like to apply to volunteer, please complete the Volunteer Application Form using the button below.
If you are a returning volunteer, please click on the Returning Volunteers button below to complete a short form so that we have all of your current information necessary for camp this year.

What will you remember about camp?
“I really felt loved. Everyone tried to include others all the time.”
-Adventure Camper